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Discussion 2B Importance of Culture

Discussion 2B Importance of Culture

Q Some have argued that when Paul forbade women teaching in the church, he was addressing a certain cultural background and did not mean to speak a commandment from God. The same has been said about other requests such as women wearing coverings, having no make up and so on. • Do you think this is a legitimate argument? • Does the Bible address one culture and not another? • Can you think of any other examples in the Old or New Testaments?

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I think that this is not a legitimate argument because there is nowhere written in the Bible that women cannot preach the word of God. It is important to realize that there is no unequivocal statement which clearly states in the Bible that women cannot preach. The gift of the Holy Spirit had been given to many women during and after the death of Jesus Christ like Mary Magdalene. She had become a saint later on after being filled with the Holy Spirit to evangelize. Therefore, it is not true to make a statement about the Bible not addressing one culture and addressing only one specific culture.